Meet the Commissioner
A Nicholas County sportsman and third-generation farmer with a varied background ranging from mining to human resources, Rich Storm is the ninth person to lead the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources as its Commissioner. “It is my honor to serve an agency that I love and respect,” Storm said.
Storm’s first day in his new role was Jan. 14, 2019.
“The search for a new commissioner spanned several months. Ultimately, we chose Rich, who I find to be forward thinking and full of integrity,” said Dr. Karl Clinard, Ninth Wildlife District representative on the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission. “Rich is an avid sportsman, a farmer and a successful businessman. His personal background and professional experience will serve him well in this new role.
“I’m confident he will do a good job for the sportsmen and sportswomen of Kentucky and for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. ”Storm noted the agency is blessed with great resources, lands, heritage, and variety. Kentucky’s outdoors are second to none,” he said. “I believe we should always be mindful that our work is not complete even in a time of prosperity. Leaving things better than we found them should be our goal and our mission.”
Storm is a firm believer in mentoring: he’s personally coached students in golf, baseball and archery.
“I encourage every sportsman and sportswoman to mentor a new hunter or angler,” he said. “A positive first experience in the outdoors can have a lifelong impact on that person.”
Through his work as general manager of PICI Staffing, Storm has gained experience in various industries, including mining, automotive and manufacturing. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Science from Morehead State University. Storm lives in Carlisle with his wife, Heather, and their two daughters.