Letter from the President
September 2nd, 2023
Sportsmen and Women of Kentucky,
I am, again, humbled, honored and privileged to have been elected to represent The League of Kentucky Sportsmen as President.
I ran for President in 2019, and I was again appointed per bylaws due to covid. We did a lot of good work in those years, not the least of which was stopping the removal of 2 commissioners by the Governor and again stopping his attempt to get the boater registration fees.
Unfortunately, I had to step down before convention due to it being made public I was arrested for numerous charges based on lies. I was subsequently exonerated of all charges and won a civil suit against the man that had me falsely arrested. I am happy to speak to anyone about this.
I ran this year because The League was largely absent in a few very egregious laws that were rammed down our throats. I fought before to keep our voices strong and will continue to do so.
I have hit the ground running, and with our Board's permission, have formed a Coalition with Kentuckiana Safari Club International and Back Country Hunter's and Angler's to fight for sportsmen and women's access and opportunities.
This coalition has already paid dividends as we already have a bill to be pre-filed in both houses to negate the 5 acres rule contained in SB241 passed last session. We continue to fight for a full repeal and rewrite of SB241 so we may have a seat at the table to have our voices heard.
Again, I am humbled to serve you Ladies and Gentlemen, and my phone and email are always open for your questions, comments, concerns and kudos.
Edwin Nighbert
The League of Kentucky Sportsmen